He'll be blind drunk by the time he gets home from tom's wedding. 他参加汤姆的婚礼回来将会喝得烂醉如泥。
It needs to be emphasised that the benefits of drinking red wine are only available if drunk in moderation, getting blind drunk every day is not good for your health! 需要注意的是,只有适量饮酒才能体会到喝红酒的好处,每天喝得烂醉是不利于身心健康的!
MUNICH, dpa& Parents should not turn a blind eye if their child routinely comes home drunk, say German health officials. 慕尼黑,德通社&德国卫生官员表示,父母不应该对他们习惯性醉醺醺返家的孩子漠不关心。
Two week pay if I blind, legless drunk. 要是醉的走不动,就是两周的。
Jack's idea of a good night out is to get blind drunk. 杰克心里所想的在外面痛痛快快玩一夜就是喝个酩酊大醉。
"Blind drunk, did you say?"" that doesn't tie in with what I know of his habits." “你是说他喝得烂醉?”“就我所知,这不符合他的习惯。”
Andrew came home blind drunk. 安德鲁回到家时烂醉如泥。
He had six pints of beer and was blind drunk by the time he went home. 他喝了6杯啤酒,回家后醉得不省人事。
I blind drunk two time a month regular. 我一个月定期的烂醉两次。